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Same Mission, New Name

Since being founded in 1931, our organization has continued to evolve in response to the needs of job seekers and the changing demands of the economy, expanding our impact on the people we serve.

Following an intensive strategic planning process, we are proud to share a fresh identity and new name that more accurately defines our mission to build better lives, one job at a time. Effective January 1, 2018, Jewish Vocational Service became JVS SoCal.

Our new name represents our ongoing commitment to empowering those in need of jobs, facilitating a vision for a prosperous future and achieving success through economic independence and sustainable employment.

Jobs + Vision = Success.

Though our name has changed several times over the decades, this is the first change in over 50 years and reflects not only a geographic expansion, but our non-sectarian commitment to serve the entire community of Southern California.

“As an organization, we are dedicated to providing individuals with the skills, training, resources and compassionate support they need to make lasting change in their lives,” said Alan S. Levey, JVS SoCal CEO. “Armed with this new identity, we will continue to leverage our legacy of positive community impact while expanding our services throughout Southern California as regional leaders in workforce development.”